Greta had just turned 8 years old when she watched the unfolding of 9/11 on her tv in Stockholm. In the following months and years she saw her fellow countryman, the diplomat Hans Blix, become a major player in the global crisis, as weapons inspector for the UN. 

Now, in the 21st century of wars, political extremes and the climate catastrophes, Greta reaches out to Blix, now 94 years old, to ask if he can help her make sense of the world. Does diplomacy still have a role? Or is he the last of the great negotiators?

2023 CPH:DOX, Denmark – World premiere
2023 One World, Czech Republic
2023 Hot Docs, Canada
2023 DOK.fest München, Germany
2023 Bildrauch Film Basel, Switzerland
2023 Biografilm Festival Bologna, Italy
2023 AJB DOC, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2023 MFDF Jihlava, Czech Republic
2023 Budapest IDFF, Hungary
2023 Duhok IFF, Iraq
2024 Tempo Documentary Festival, Sweden
2024 The Cinema for Peace Dove for The Political Film of the Year – nomination
2024 FEST, Portugal
2024 BIFED, Turkey
2024 International Human Rights Film Festival, Albania 

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